View our expanding library of videos:

What Designers & Specifiers Should Know About EPD's for Ready Mixed Concrete
This video will address; what an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is, the components of an EPD, how an EPD is developed, and the importance of their role in green construction.
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PACA's Growth Continues Gathering Momentum
PACA continues to grow and bring invaluable benefits to its members. This video tells our story!
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PACA's Chairman Discusses State of the Association
PACA's 2023 Chairman of the Board Jeff Detwiler (NESL) discusses the current state of the Association as well as it's future growth.
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Concrete Testing Legislation in PA - Why It Is Needed
Concrete is an important part of our modern buildings and it is vital that all of the building code requirements for concrete construction are met. A key part of these requirements is the proper acceptance testing of concrete as it is delivered to a commercial construction project.
This video briefly discusses the need for concrete testing, and why legislation in support of the testing process should be supported.
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Cool Pavements = Cool Idea
“Cool pavement” is a widely used term that can mean different things. Check out this video blog to learn more.
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PCA's Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality
In October 2021, the Portland Cement Association released its Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality. The 38-page report outlines a comprehensive plan to make the industry's value chain carbon neutral by 2050.
This video describes the essence of the PCA initiative.
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The Continuing Quest for Emissions Free Cement
Concrete offers an unbeatable combination of resiliency, versatility and price. It can be cast into endless shapes. It is integral to almost every new commercial and residential building. Those buildings will continue to proliferate worldwide. In fact, one estimate suggests the number of buildings worldwide doubling by 2060.
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Dos and Dont's of Concrete Testing - (LTRC / LDOT)
This engaging video developed by the Louisiana Transportation Research Council, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Cajun Ready Mixed Concrete demonstrates what should and should not happen when sampling/testing fresh ready mixed concrete.
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Concrete Pavements, Your Best Investment
Over it's lifetime, concrete parking areas will save you money, and a beautiful, durable pavement will tell your customers about your business. Invest 30 seconds to learn how your business will benefit from a concrete pavement. It will be worth it.
Concrete, It Just Makes Cents!
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Building Smarter & Better - North Cornwall Commons Project
When Byler Holdings was considering what building materials to select for constructing North Cornwall Commons they investigated the "usual" options. Fortunately they also considered ICFs (Insulated Concrete Forms). This video explains why they ultimately chose ICF construction.
Concrete, IT Just Makes Cents!
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The Top 10 Ways to Reduce Concrete's Carbon Footprint
This educational video from Build With Strength explores some of the many steps you can take to minimize the carbon footprint on your next concrete project.
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If We Want to Build a More Sustainable Future, We Build with Concrete
Hear from experts on the concrete industry’s innovative and technological advancements that are lowering carbon emissions and advancing the building industry’s sustainability goals. Brought to you by Build With Strength.

Concrete Science Technology at Penn College
When most people think of concrete, sidewalks and bridges come to mind. But, there’s much more to this widely used construction material than meets the eye. Take a look inside the Concrete Science Technology program at Penn College. The only one of its kind on the U.S. East Coast, the hands-on program dives into science and math. Explores diverse admixtures and their applications. Invites creativity with decorative designs. And prepares graduates with the specialized skillset not just to thrive in the industry, but to lead it.
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Concrete Stands Up To Mother Nature
The National Wind Institute at Texas Tech University finds that concrete is the best material to stand up to hurricanes and tornadoes. Results like this show why concrete should be THE choice for your next building project. Concrete, It Just Makes Cents!
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Chesapeake Village Project Constructed With ICF's
Interested in building with ICF's but not sure what is involved? Let the experts at Build With Strength's Concrete Design Center answer your questions.
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ICF's at Richardsville Elementary School (KY) Provide Energy Efficiency
Imagine getting a check back from your utility company and not sending them one. Richardsville Elementary School is the first Net Zero Energy school in the country. ICF construction is one reason why.
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ICF's at Richardsville Elementary School (KY) Provides Safety for Students
Concrete is strong, durable, and beautiful. The Richardsville Elementary School project featured ICF construction which will protect its students and teachers from potential storm damage.
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ICF's at Richardsville Elementary School (KY) Shorten Construction Time
They say "time is money". ICF construction allows contractors to work through cold weather months and helps them shorten construction. When you combine that fact with the energy efficiency and safety benefits that ICF's can bring to your project the question is not "Why build with ICF's?" it's "Why NOT?"
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Are You Concrete Tough?
Tough as nails? More like Tough as Concrete.
The Concrete Industry has an immediate need for people to fill great jobs. From being a Ready Mix Truck Driver to Quality Control Techs to Heavy Equipment Operators to Concrete Contractors, these are great paying jobs that mean something.
The only question is, are you tough enough?
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A Day in the Life of a Ready Mixed Concrete Sales Associate
Do you like working with people? Are you a problem solver? A career in concrete sales may be for you.
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A Day in the Life of a Quality Control Technician
Quality control technicians play a valued and vital role for any ready mixed concrete producer. Is this job for you? Check out the video.
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A Day in the Life of a Ready Mixed Concrete Truck Driver
Concrete mixer drivers work tirelessly to get the job done, and they take pride in what they do. After all, they were born to build.
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A Day in the Life of a Concrete Dispatcher
They handle phone calls. They schedule pours. They provide customer service. They solve problems. Concrete dispatchers are an invaluable human resource for any ready mixed concrete operation
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Post Installed Concrete Anchor Installation Inspector
A certified Post-Installed Concrete Anchor Installation Inspector* is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge required to properly inspect the installation of post-installed adhesive and mechanical anchors in concrete. The Inspector must understand the responsibilities and qualification requirements of the Installer, inspection requirements as cited in the documents governing the construction of the project, and the process governing the qualification of anchor systems.
*This expanded program includes and covers all of the Adhesive Anchor Installation Inspector program materials; certification candidates are now directed to this program for concrete anchor inspection certification.
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Adhesive Anchor Installer
An Adhesive Anchor Installer is an individual who has demonstrated the ability to read, comprehend, and execute instructions to properly install adhesive anchors in concrete. The Adhesive Anchor Installer must also demonstrate possession of the knowledge to properly assess ambient conditions, concrete condition, materials, equipment, and tools for installing adhesive anchors and determine when it is appropriate to proceed with installation of an adhesive anchor or when additional guidance from a supervisor/foreman/project engineer is needed.
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Concrete Field Testing Technician -Grade I
A Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge and ability to properly perform and record the results of seven basic field tests on freshly mixed concrete.
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Why should I get ACI certified?
There are a variety of reasons to get trained and certified to perform concrete testing as provided by the American Concrete Testing Institute. PACA is a local sponsoring group for ACI. To learn more, please watch this video.

GasSearch Drilling Chooses Roller Compacted Concrete for Maintenance Facility Parking Area
GasSearch Drilling Services knew that the pavement at their new maintenance facility in Lenox PA would need to be tough. With that in mind, the company chose to use Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC). Masters Ready Mix Concrete and Wayne Companies (dba Florida RCC) partnered to deliver over 2500 cubic yards to the project. Check out the case study for the project here.
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17 South Stands Strong In Hurricanes With ICF's
EYC Companies’ 17 South multifamily project in Charleston, South Carolina is made with ICFs, whose unmatched strength withstands hurricanes and other severe weather.

Bennett Road Full Depth Reclamation with Cement Slurry (2017)
Bennett Road is located in Lennox Township. The project served as a pilot for the use of cement slurry as the stabilizing agent for full depth reclamation (FDR). PennDOT has since recognized cement slurry as another material for use in FDR projects.
The project was placed by E.J. Breneman and the cement slurry was delivered by Masters Ready Mix Concrete.
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Hot Weather Concrete Issues for Producers and Contractors
This webinar discusses the potential issues that confront concrete producers and contractors when working in hot weather.
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Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Areas
This video shows why and how you should consider overlaying your damaged asphalt parking lot. Get out of the asphalt "rut", go with concrete. Concrete, It Just Makes Cents!
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Spotlight on Recent History The Battle Over Safer Building Codes
If we want to save lives and protect our communities, we must upgrade our building requirements with safer building codes that include non-combustible materials like concrete.
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5 Reasons Why You Should Build With Concrete
When planning your next project, the question is not; "Why concrete?" it's "Why not?" Visit our webpage at to learn more.
Concrete, It Just Makes Cents!

Concrete Mix Designs Under PennDOT's ASR Specification
This webinar was conducted to educate concrete professionals with the new PennDOT concrete mix design acceptance procedures as they relate to ASR mitigation
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Placing and Protecting Concrete in Cold Weather
Concreting may be accomplished in cold weather but there are certain procedures and facts that you should understand to place it successfully.
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Build With Strength - Strength
An inspiring look at what makes concrete one of the strongest, most durable and resilient building materials on earth.
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Is Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Safe?
If you’re not building with concrete, you’re playing with fire. There’s no substitute for building with strength, and in the case of homes for families, the potential for disaster with Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) is simply too great at this time.
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Concrete Buildings Mitigate Hazards
Find out why building a resilient structure pays off.
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How ICF’s Work
Consider using ICF's for your next concrete building project. With insulated concrete forms (ICFs), you get strength, flexibility and cost-efficiency all in one method. Once you use it, you’ll see why so many builders adopt the technique – and never look back.
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An In-Depth Look at ICF’s
Working with concrete doesn’t get any easier than this. With insulated concrete forms (ICFs), you get strength, flexibility and cost-efficiency all in one method. Once you use it, you’ll see why so many builders adopt the technique – and never look back.
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Concrete and Fire Safety
If you’re not building with concrete, you’re playing with fire. There’s no substitute for building with strength, and in the case of homes for families, the potential for disaster with Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) is simply too great at this time.
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The Evolution of Chicago’s Modern Architecture
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 destroyed 10,000 buildings and claimed 600 lives. This disaster led to the establishment of new building codes for the city and changed architectural thinking. Non-combustible materials replaced wood construction. Concrete works for Chicago, why shouldn't it work for you?
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A Case for Concrete - Ready. Set. Build.
Dr. Jeremy Gregory, MIT research scientist and executive director of the Concrete Sustainability Hub, discusses how the versatility of concrete results in a range of performance benefits.
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Concrete Buildings Mean - Value
Dr. Jeremy Gregory, MIT research scientist and executive director of the Concrete Sustainability Hub, shares his views on what makes concrete a strong investment.“There’s a lot of opportunities to educate architects and builders about [how] you can efficiently use concrete to lower lifecycle costs.”Dr. Jeremy Gregory, Executive Director, Concrete Sustainability Hub
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Concrete Buildings Mean - Strength
Dr. Jeremy Gregory, MIT research scientist and executive director of the Concrete Sustainability Hub, shares his views on what makes concrete durable and sustainable.“Because of the strength and durability properties that you get with concrete, you’re able to have a resilient structure.”Dr. Jeremy Gregory, Executive Director, Concrete Sustainability Hub
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Making Strength Test Cylinders for Roller Compacted Concrete - ASTM C1435
This video details how to make strength test cylinders for testing Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC). It is based on ASTM C1435 Standard Practice for Molding Roller-Compacted Concrete in Cylinder Molds Using a Vibrating Hammer.
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Aggregate Optimization for AAAP Concrete Bridge Decks - Pilot Program
A pilot program for the construction of bridge decks in the PennDOT system is the focal point of this webinar. A key element in the program is the optimization of the concrete mix design through aggregate blending. The webinar is presented by representatives from PennDOT and the RMC industry.
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Peanut Drive (Conewago Twp. PA) RCC Placement
Peanut Drive is the first municipal RCC street project that was funded through PennDOT's liquid fuels program. The project incorporated an RCC specification that has been developed for inclusion in PennDOT Publication 408. It offers a durable and cost effective to more traditional paving methods and materials. For more information check out our websites at and/or
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RCC Testimonial: Why RCC Was the Answer for Sycamore Street Project
Sean Dooley (Ph.D., P.E.- Keystone Consulting Engineers) explains why RCC was selected for this street project. Aside from the cost benefits, RCC is a sustainable material that is durable and will serve this community for years to come. It is a tool that is now available to all municipalities in the Commonwealth.
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Flowable Fill - The Superior Backfill Material
This video highlights the advantages and benefits of choosing flowable fill over conventional granular backfill materials for your next project. It is the perfect material for utility cuts and trenches where compaction of other material may be difficult. (Video courtesy of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association)
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Dry Vacuuming Pervious Concrete Pavement
This video demonstrates pervious concrete being cleaned via a "dry vacuum" cleaning method. Cleaning pervious concrete is a critical element in maintaining the system. More information on pervious concrete is available at
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Cleaning Pervious Concrete
This video demonstrates one possible cleaning method for maintaining pervious concrete pavements. Check out our website at for information on pervious concrete as well as other concrete construction related technologies.
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ASTM C 1701 Infiltration rate of Pervious Concrete Demonstration
This video shows ASTM C1701 being administered on a pervious concrete slab. The infiltration rate was approximately 988 inches per hour.
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Norfolk Southern Roller Compacted Concrete Project
Placement of 16" and 8" thick Roller Compacted Concrete at a Norfolk Southern Railroad facility located in Harrisburg PA.
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Sycamore Street RCC Placement
Placement of Roller Compacted Concrete on Sycamore Street, Nazareth PA.
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